Children Remembered … Ancient Voices of Children (music of Crumb and Debussy), conducted by Leslie Dala; Yarilo Music; The Annex, Vancouver, BC.



  • The Stranger, The Minister’s Child, The Crowd and The Narrator in Into the Little Hill, conducted by Leslie Dala; Canadian premiere; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; SFU Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Vancouver, BC.
  • Hearing Voices, conducted by Janna Sailor; North American premiere; Allegra Chamber Orchestra and Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Vancouver Playhouse Theatre, Vancouver, BC.
  • Shadow and Substance (music of Argento, Rorem, and the world premiere of Jennifer Butler’s Vigil) with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and AK Coope, clarinet/bass clarinet; Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC.
  • The Sex Lives of Vegetables (music of Leslie Uyeda) with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and AK Coope, clarinet; SUM Gallery, Vancouver, BC.
  • The Sex Lives of Vegetables: Music of Leslie Uyeda; recording sessions with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and AK Coope, clarinet; Pyatt Hall, Vancouver, BC.
  • The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ; World premiere; Le FiFa International Festival of Films on Art; Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal, Québec.
  • The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ; BC premiere; DOXA Documentary Film Festival; VIFF Theatre, Vancouver, BC.
  • The Time for Giving – The Music of Leslie Uyeda, with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute/bass flute, Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and AK Coope, clarinet; Powell Street Festival; Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • After Rain; (music of Jennifer Butler); recording session; The Annex, Vancouver, BC.
  • Clef-Hangers (music of Bottesini, Fauré, Betty Roe, and Chris Sivak – World premiere of The Canadian Goose) with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and Meaghan Williams, double bass; Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC
  • Unaccompanied series (Scintillator – music of Alex Eddington); Canadian Music Centre BC, Vancouver, BC; online.
  • Tenth Anniversary Concert (music of John Corigliano) with Jane Hayes, piano; Yarilo Music; The Annex, Vancouver, BC; live stream.
  • Your Breath My Breath: Dialogue for a Mother and Daughter (music of Leslie Uyeda) with Megan Latham, mezzo-soprano and Tina Chang, piano; Astrolabe Music Theatre; Murray Adaskin Salon, Canadian Music Centre BC; live performance / live stream.
  • Opera on the Plaza (music of Chaminade, Corigliano, Délibes, Previn, Saint-Saëns, Telfer, Tesori,) with Brenda Fedoruk, flute and Perri Lo, piano; Vancouver Opera; šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn, Vancouver, BC.
  • The Opera Singers in Ekibyo Ryukoki (A Journal of the Plague Year); Tomoe Arts; Rio Festival, Japan; online.
  • Warming By the Fire (World premiere, Jennifer Butler’s After Rain); Blueridge Chamber Music Festival; The Annex, Vancouver, BC and The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver, BC.
  • The Daughter in Your Breath My Breath: Dialogue for a Mother And Daughter (music of Leslie Uyeda); World premiere; Saskatchewan Festival of Words; Mae Wilson Theatre; Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. 
  • Before and Beyond Time, conducted by Leslie Dala; World premieres of Footnote (…und Isolde/ns Winkfall lassen…) and The Way of the Birds II & III (music of Gheorghi Arnaoudov); Yarilo Music; The Annex; Vancouver, BC.
  • No Straight Road with Robin Reid, percussion; and Joy Yeh, harp; World premiere of Three Lorca Songs (Leslie Uyeda) plus Crumb’s Madrigals Book III; The Little Chamber Music Series That Could; Celebration Hall, Mountainview Cemetery; Vancouver, BC.
  • Shamhat, Unheard (music of Jeffrey Ryan) for Sonic Boom Festival; Vancouver Pro Musica; Pyatt Hall; Vancouver, BC.
  • Madonna in The Handless Maiden, conducted by Kathleen Allan (excerpt; music of Benton Roark); Vancouver Opera Festival; Vancouver, BC.
  • The Mother in The Handless Maiden, conducted by Kathleen Allan (workshop performance; music of Benton Roark; Indie Opera Week; Vancouver, BC. 
  • unheard; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Indie Opera Week; Vancouver, BC.
  • Jennifer in One Thousand White Paper Cranes for Japan (music of Rita Ueda), conducted by John Zoltek; Netherlands premiere; AU Ensemble; Podium Mozaiek; Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Jennifer in One Thousand White Paper Cranes for Japan (music of Rita Ueda), conducted by Taishi Harada; Japanese premiere; AU Ensemble; West Coast International New Music Festival; Fukuoka, Japan.
  • unheard with Maggie MacPherson, art photographer and Diane Park, performative costumer; World premieres of Daphne, Unheard; Shamhat, Unheard; Persephone, Unheard and Yasodhara, Unheard (music of Jeffrey Ryan); Open Space Gallery; Victoria, BC.
  • Steve Reich’s Tehillim, conducted by Leslie Dala; Yarilo Music; Orpheum Annex; Vancouver, BC.
  • unheard with Maggie MacPherson, art photographer and Diane Park, performative costumer; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Murray Adaskin Salon (CMC BC) and Challi-Rosso Gallery; Vancouver, BC.
  • Songs for Scheherazade (music of Mohamed Assani) with the Allegra Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Janna Sailor; Indian Summer Festival; Burnaby, BC.
  • The Music of James Rolfe with Tina Chang, piano and Katie Rife percussion; Vancouver Opera Festival; Vancouver, BC.
  • Leslie Uyeda Celebration Concert with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; AK Coope, clarinet; and Leslie Uyeda, piano/composer; Canadian Music Centre BC; Vancouver, BC.
  • unheard; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • unheard (excerpt); Green College, UBC; Vancouver, BC.
  • Jennifer in One Thousand White Paper Cranes for Japan (music of Rita Ueda) and Mark Armanini’s Stone Garden, conducted by Marián Lejava; Prague Modern Orchestra; Czech Republic premiere; Studio Alta, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • The Rose in Winter (music of Mark Haney) with Mark Takeshi McGregor, flute; World premiere; Little Chamber Music Series That Could; Mountainview Cemetery; Vancouver, BC.
  • Susan Allison in The Lake (music of Barbara Pentland); Canadian Music Centre BC’s Legacy Composers series of short documentary films; Opus 59 Films; Vancouver, BC.
  • Monet Refuses the Operation (music of Dinah Ayre) with Tina Chang, piano for Sonic Boom Festival; Vancouver Pro Musica; Western Front; Vancouver, BC.
  • Komachi in Kayoi Komachi / Komachi Visited opera workshop (music of Farshid Samandari); Tomoe Arts; Vancouver, BC.
  • Words in Song; Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre; Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
  • Involuntary Love Songs with Cordei Duo; Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC.
  • Singer-in-residence for student composers’ class; Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, BC.
  • Presendia in Dark Sisters, conducted by Kinza Tyrrell; Canadian premiere; Vancouver Opera; Vancouver, BC
  • Soloist for Beethoven Symphony No. 9, conducted by Jin Zhang; New Westminster Symphony; Massey Theatre, New Westminster, BC
  • Amen (music of Taverner and Ravel); Yarilo Music; Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, BC
  • Catalyst (music of Ben Wylie) with Albertina Chan, harp and Liam Hockley, clarinet for Sonic Boom Festival; Vancouver Pro Musica; Pyatt Hall, Vancouver, BC
  • The Sex Lives of Vegetables … And Other Delicious Distractions, with AK Coope clarinet; Lorna Crozier, poet; and Leslie Uyeda, composer/piano; Hornby Island Hall, Hornby Island, BC
  • Excerpts from Air India [redacted] (music of Jurgen Simpson), conducted by Owen Underhill; Turning Point Ensemble; Simon Fraser University’s 50th anniversary celebration; Burnaby, BC
  • Guest Artist; Art Song Lab; Vancouver, BC
  • Rachel in Wild Dogs opera workshop (Val Brandt libretto); black bachx opera lab; Vancouver, BC
  • Air India [redacted] opera workshop (music of Jurgen Simpson); Turning Point Ensemble; Vancouver, BC
  • Of Blossoms and Beaches with Brenda Fedoruk, flute; Rebecca Wenham, cello and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Capilano University, North Vancouver, BC
  • Be My Love with Andrew Greenwood, baritone and Matthew Ma, piano; Trinity United Church, Port Coquitlam, BC
  • Susan Allison in The Lake / n’-ha-a-itk (World premiere), conducted by Owen Underhill (music of Barbara Pentland); World premiere of Incantation (music of Leslie Uyeda); Astrolabe Musik Theatre and Turning Point Ensemble; Quails’ Gate Estate Winery, Westbank, BC.
  • Secretary / Teacher / Principal in Stickboy, conducted by Leslie Dala; World premiere; Vancouver Opera; Vancouver, BC.
  • A Kuroshio Breeze: Chamber Music for Voice & Japanese Instruments (music of Rita Ueda and Elliot Weisgarber) for Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra’s Chrysanthemums & Maple Leaves Festival; The Annex, Vancouver, BC.
  • Composer’s Cuvée with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; Jane Hayes, piano; Janna Sailor, violin; and Rebecca Wenham, cello; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Summerhill Pyramid Winery; Kelowna, BC.
  • A Measure of Pearls with Mark Takeshi McGregor, flute (music of Alyssa Aska); World premiere; Sonic Boom Festival; Vancouver Pro Musica; Pyatt Hall, Vancouver, BC.
  • The Sex Lives of Vegetables … And Other Delicious Distractions with AK Coope, clarinet; Lorna Crozier, poet; and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitor Centre; Vancouver, BC.
  • NEWmatica with Fringe Percussion, flutist Kathryn Cernauskas, and dancers Danny Nielsen and Dayna Szyndrowski; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Britannia Mine Museum, Britannia Beach, BC.
  • The Sex Lives of Vegetables with David McIntyre, piano; Golden Apple Theatre; The Artesian; Regina, Saskatchewan.
  • Soloist for Brahms’ Requiem with the Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Lars Kaario; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • Singer-in-residence for student composers’ class; Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, BC.
  • Susan Allison in The Lake (music by Barbara Pentland), conducted by Owen Underhill; Astrolabe Musik Theatre and Turning Point Ensemble; Chan Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • Guest soloist with the Emily Carr String Quartet (music of Tobin Stokes); Hornby Island Music Festival; Hornby Island, BC.
  • Pierrot Lunaire and Sur les pas de la lune (music of Kelly-Marie Murphy) for the Canadian Music Centre BC’s Lunar Tunes, conducted by Leslie Dala; Djavad Mowafaghian World Arts Centre, Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, BC.
  • Crumb’s Apparition with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and choreography by Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg; Vancouver International Song Institute; Vancouver, BC.
  • Pour le plaisir … French Mélodies with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; The Silk Purse; West Vancouver, BC.
  • Soloist for Orff’s Carmina Burana with the Surrey Children’s Choir, Youth Chorus and Community Chorus, conducted by Stephen Horning; Surrey Arts Centre, Surrey, BC.
  • Apparitions with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and choreography by Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg (music of George Crumb, John Harbison and Leslie Uyeda); Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • Soloist for CMC Score-Reading Club with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; Canadian Music Centre BC; Vancouver, BC.
  • Luca Francesconi’s Etymo, conducted by Evan Mitchell; Vancouver Symphony Orchestra; The Roundhouse; Vancouver, BC.
  • Signora Naccarelli in The Light in the Piazza, directed by Peter Jorgensen; Patrick Street Productions; Norman Rothstein Theatre; Vancouver, BC.
  • Soloist for Vaughan Williams’ Sea Symphony, conducted by Pierre Simard; Vancouver Island Symphony; Port Theatre; Nanaimo, BC.
  • In Passing, with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Heritage Vancouver; Tara Cheyenne Performance; and photo-based artist SD Holman; World premiere What We Heard About Death (music of Leslie Uyeda); Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Western Front; Vancouver, BC.
  • Apparitions with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano and choreography by Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg (music of George Crumb, John Harbison and Leslie Uyeda); Music on Main and Astrolabe Musik Theatre; The Cellar; Vancouver, BC.
  • Vancouver Snapshots 125: The Concert; Turning Point Ensemble; The Roundhouse; Vancouver, BC.
  • Two Songs / Same Lyric with Willy Miles-Grenzburg, baritone and David Boothroyd, piano (music of Mark Armanini); World premiere; Sonic Boom Festival; Vancouver Pro Musica; Western Front, Vancouver, BC.
  • Animal, Vegetable, Mineral with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; AK Coope, clarinet; Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; and Shelley Stewart Hunt, choreographer; World premiere of Leslie Uyeda’s The Sex Lives of Vegetables, Volume III; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Britannia Mine Museum; Britannia Beach, BC.
  • And Love Says with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano (music of Leslie Uyeda) for 10x10x10; Canadian Music Centre BC and Scotiabank Dance Centre; Vancouver, BC.
  • Tasting Notes with Angus Bell, bass-baritone; Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Beverley McArthur, mezzo-soprano; and Wade Nott, tenor; Minoru Chapel Opera Series and Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Richmond, BC.
  • Soundscape Landscape (music of R. Murray Schafer); Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, BC.
  • Performance with DJ Timothy Wisdom for The Lulu Series; Council Chambers, Richmond City Hall; Richmond, BC.
  • Tango and Tendresse with Brenda Fedoruk, flute and Jane Hayes, piano; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • Let’s Celebrate Vancouver; Egret Ladies’ Choir, conducted by Cecilia Chueh; Vancouver, BC.
  • Passerby in Lillian Alling, conducted by Jacques Lacombe; World premiere; Vancouver Opera; Vancouver, BC
  • La cage aux folles; Land’s End Chamber Ensemble; Beat Niq Jazz and Social Club; Calgary, Alberta.
  • Tango and Tendresse with Brenda Fedoruk, flute and Jane Hayes, piano; Canadian premiere of Argentinian composer Angel Lasala’s Poemas Nortenas; The Old Schoolhouse Arts Centre, Qualicum Beach, BC; Douglas College, New Westminster, BC; The Silk Purse, West Vancouver, BC.
  • Musaic with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; AK Coope, clarinet; and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Museum of Anthropology; Vancouver, BC.
  • Sakura Songs with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; and Sue Round, cello; World premiere One Willow Grows (music of Leslie Uyeda); National Nikkei Museum & Heritage Centre; Burnaby, BC.
  • Soloist for Fauré’s Requiem, conducted by Lars Kaario; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • From Yesterday To Today: The Songs of Mark Armanini, with Willy Miles-Grenzberg, baritone and David Boothroyd, piano; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • Asian Canadian Artist Showcase with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute and Leslie Uyeda, piano; National Nikkei Museum & Heritage Centre; Burnaby, BC.
  • Slave in Strauss’s Salome, conducted by Jonathan Darlington; Vancouver Opera; Vancouver, BC.
  • A Month of Tuesdays with AK Coope, clarinet, and Leslie Uyeda, piano; Music on Main; Vancouver, BC.
  • A Garden of Earthly Delights with AK Coope, clarinet; Lorna Crozier, poet; and Leslie Uyeda, piano; World premiere of Leslie Uyeda’s The Sex Lives of Vegetables Books I & II); Vancouver East Cultural Centre; Vancouver, BC.
  • Soloist for Golden Anniversary Gala, conducted by Jonathan Darlington; Vancouver Opera; Vancouver, BC.
  • Sound-Tracks with Ariel Barnes, cello; Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; AK Coope, clarinet; and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Astrolabe Musik Theatre; Rocky Mountaineer Station; Vancouver, BC.
  • Brief Encounters 13 (The Remix) with comedian Graham Clark; the Tomorrow Collective; Performance Works, Granville Island; Vancouver, BC.
  • Under Heaven’s Dome with Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; Sue Round, cello; Barbara Towell, mezzo-soprano; and Leslie Uyeda, piano/composer; Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival; Bloedel Conservatory, Queen Elizabeth Park; Vancouver, BC.
  • An Evening with Erik Satie; Erato Ensemble; Vancouver, BC.
  • On A Quiet Night with Ariel Barnes, cello; Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; and Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Astrolabe Musik Theatre at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden; Vancouver, BC.
  • EVEolution with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Silk Purse, West Vancouver, BC; Capilano University; North Vancouver, BC.
  • DEAD Serious with Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano; Langley Community Music School; Langley, BC.
  • Featured artist, with DJ Timothy Wisdom; Gung Haggis Fat Choy; Vancouver, BC.
  • Beautiful Problems new work development; Radix Theatre; Vancouver, BC.


PHOTO CREDIT: Tim Matheson